Friday, May 22, 2009

Good for the Heart

Boy, I am stuffed. Just completely full. I had a huge meal for lunch, and now I'm in between a round of wine tasting and beer tasting. Wish me luck.

In other, completely unrelated news, I have a question for all my loyal readers (all none of you as of right now). Would it hypothetically be bad, or just illegal, or both, or perhaps neither, to in theory find a state's state bird, kill it, pluck it, marinate and roast it, and then maybe, hypothetically in a completely unreal and theoretical situation, eat it? I only ask because I'm a little tipsy, so this question just sort of, um... popped into my head. Yeah, that's it.

Oh! I almost forgot. I started doing some cardio kick-boxing. The guy in charge was amazing, goes by the name "Billy Blanks." I'm pretty sure it's a pseudonym,* but that doesn't change how cool and sexy he is. In a platonic way, of course.

Anyways, the wine tasting was alright, but the fact that I don't really like wine very much kind of hampered the whole process. I'll let you know how the beer tasting goes.

Love, Felderburg

*The word "pseudonym" of course comes from the Greek, ψευδω, to lie, and ονυμα, name.

p.s. It turns out that wine does not make me very drunk (so far). Again, I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Crimefighter GenesisMay 23, 2009 at 5:19 PM

    You see Keithal, the point of the cardio kick boxing was too work off some the calories sure to be drunk that night at your wine and beer tastings. Also, Billy Blanks has got some buttery quads.
