Thursday, June 4, 2009

Elementary Musings in a Chicken Suit

So I have a chicken suit now. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I went and sat in my car for a while, thinking of all the amazing places I could go in a chicken suit.

I guess I didn't come up with that many, since I went back inside and played with a hair dryer.* This may not sound like the most fun of activities, but lemme tell ya, this hair dryer is crazy. It has all kinds of crazy shooty things coming out of it, for curls or something I'm guessing, and about a million different settings. It's very sleek and expensive looking. It also may not work anymore.

Anyways, I ended up just driving around, and I discovered an elementary school where the kids were playing some crazy kind of hopscotch/four-square/freeze tag or I don't even know. So I asked one to come over and explain it to me but I still don't get it (she obviously didn't do a good job). Either way, in watching these kids, I have become struck at how cool and unknowingly deep they are. I'm pretty sure if I were to ask one questions about life, the universe, and everything, they would either say "42" or respond with something so profound and beautiful it would hurt deep inside. I think I may just ask one to come home with me, just to hang out and ask crazy questions. I'm thinking one of the precocious girls, since the boys seem more intent on pushing other and picking their noses. I'll let you know how that goes. I just hope they're not scared away by my chicken costume.


*I may have also been afraid that the coyotes would chase me, thinking I was a giant chicken.

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